Sunday, 04 June 2023, 12:30
Practices are at 12:30 on the first Sunday of the month, in the upper hall at Eesti Maja. Women of all ages are welcome to join, no experience is necessary. Information: Milvi Vaikma - 9300 2492
Kas Sina oled meie järgmine Rahvatantsu Juhendaja?
Peale väikest pausi tahaksime taas alustada Rahvatantsu gruppi Melbourne'i Eesti Majas. Sellega seoses otsime Rahvatantsu Juhendajat. Kui oled tantsuhuviline, Sul on kogemust rahvatantsuga ja sooviksid oma tantsurõõmu teistegagi jagada, siis palun anna mulle endast märku! Sinu aeg saab tasustatud ja meie poolt on ka moraalne tugi, et tants saaks taas alata!
Are you our next Folk Dancing Teacher
After a short hiatus we would like to press restart on Folk Dancing at Melbourne Estonian House and we are looking for our next Folk Dance Teacher. You are passionate about dance, have some experience in Estonian Folk Dancing and would like to share the joy of dance with others, please don't hesitate to reach out to me! Your time and contributions will be compensated and we offer full support to give the group the best start!
Information: Milvi Vaikma - 9300 2492
Location: Melbourne Estonian House, 43 Melville Rd Brunswick
More information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.