melbourne events

Improteater IMPEERIUM - Improvisation theatre direct from Estonia

Friday, 25 November 2022, 18:30

Impro theater is a form of live theater in which the plot, characters, and dialogue of a scene are created in front of the audience - it is acting without a script.

"Kujutluse võim ehk KOOMILISTE SKETŠIDE ÕHTU" is a performance with a short play of improvisational theater - short improvised sketches in which actors get into unexpected situations. You can see captivating scenes, humorous characters, hit songs, etc. created on the spot.

In Estonian, English & gibbersh

Improteater IMPEERIUM (Improvisation theater EMPIRE).
We have done improv since 2009. Improtheater IMPEERIUM grew out of the first Estonian professional improv group in 2013. We have given performances and workshops in all over Estonia. Also in Copenhagen, Luxembourg, Haag, Amsterdam, London, St Petersburg, New York, Miami, Chicago, Toronto, etc. There are professional actors, directors and musicians in IMPEERIUM.
We also take part in various theater projects outside of our Improtheater IMPEERIUM. So we are not only improv actors, we do also traditional, puppet, (full)mask, shadow etc theater. Play in tv-series and movies. We play regulary/monthly our different formats/shows in Tallinn and Tartu.
In year 2020 The Estonian Artists Agency awarded us The Service of the Year award

Location: Melbourne Estonian House, 43 Melville Rd Brunswick

More information: Sirje Jõgi

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